Monday 29 March 2010

Ohhh *insert explitive here*...

1. No Water
2. No Bright Light
3. Under no circumstances feed after midnight

If you have ever seen the film 'Gremlims' you will know that these rules are essential for keeping gremlins at bay and keeping cute Mogwai happy. Now i felt that health wise- all though never 100% - recently i have been getting better and getting back into the swing of things. In a sense i was a happy Gizmo :)


However last Thursday eve/ Friday morn i was sooooo ill. The symptoms that i had before had returned and i was not in a good way. The nasty gremlims in my body had returned and following the three important rules from the film weren't going to help me too much.

So me right now=

So due to this setback i have still yet to shoot anything. I have only just about being able to sit on the cash desk at work and smile pathetically at the customers. I'm booked in with the docs tomorrow morn as i sure as hell am not going down without a fight and am gunna kick these gremlins' ugly asses.

As soooon as i'm better, i will be hauling my ass out and shooting......... but i am aware that time is running out and i get soo scared.

I wanna be Gizmo again................ *sigh*


  1. Awwww Anna... You will be soon
    You didnt look anywhere as bad as evil Gremlin though im sure!

    Keep at it and fight it! We all know that once you get going you will be absolutly fine and shoot some great stuff! x

  2. i hope gizmo comes back soon!! xx
